Vol. 1:002 Portfolio / Blog : Being Forged by an Eternal Flame
ArtStation Summary for Christopher Stapleton: Past Version
I thought about the most important thing I wanted people to know about me, and that is I am honest in heart with a sincere desire to serve.
It was most difficult to hear because I had just graduated from the Art Institute of Seattle in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Media Arts & Animation (which was obtained in 2018 much later due to having enough credits) and a Bachelor of Game Art & Design. I felt the weight of student loans over my head, and anyone knows who has attended a private institution that student loans are a heavy weight to carry, especially struggling day-to-day trying to challenge myself to draw, and move forward in my life despite my challenges.
Here is a hallway fellow students from the Art Institute of Seattle created during 2005 (when I was rambunctious and came back to school on meds, slow as wax, and my life had turned totally upside down).
I did a lot of pro-bono work and freelance work for very little pay and established an income based off of that small assistance. I learned to budget my time and use the assistance to strive to improve.
I have no professional experience or no production work, but I do have a sincere heart—trying to put my best foot forward and take one day at a time. I was able to develop a portfolio over the years but was paid very little, and it was challenging.
Since then, my life has changed and I am no longer in need of large amounts of debilitating medication, and out of the dear goodness of the Universe, Source, God; I have been changed, and I want to get my name out there and try and see if I can open a door or two to help others struggling in this industry.
Those struggling with mental illness in these entertainment industries are bright, capable, hyper-creative, and inspiring individuals who for whatever reason are struggling inside and one may not even know it, or afraid to tell another. I’m not sure, every case is different. I have struggled with many types of serious mental illness. If you are one of these people, I understand how you feel in some sense.
I have created a business called Cold White Fire LLC, of which we will be reorganizing the business and website to teach those struggling in this fast-paced world (especially seniors, people with disabilities, accident survivors, and people who are going through life changing events—such as people who get out of prison after 30 years and have no idea what an iPad or Smartphone is) struggling to use the computer, mobile device, or a cell phone, and not able to check their voicemail because it's too hard to remember which button to push, (or not to push). I love learning, and I am inquisitive and will ask a question in any crowd.
I mention seniors because I have been a caregiver for a family member for three years now, and I did it for a month all by myself. I understand how difficult it is to take care of someone who is not able to care for themselves. Yet while having the experience with mental illness and overcoming it, I feel I can relate to many individuals who are struggling.
I'm also learning a lot about myself as an Aspy (Asperger's), that I don't mind driving with cruise control on while going to the speed limit, and it's super important for me to do the right thing always.
I volunteered as a computer class teacher at a clubhouse for those who face terrible situations with mental illness. We did interpersonal group and one-on-one tutoring while I was attending the Art Institute of Seattle. I am happy to say those days were very satisfying to help another understand something they had never understood before, such as how a computer works internally. One individual asked me, “Are you from Microsoft?” I responded, “No, I’m just a regular person like you.” From that response, it helped me understand that I could accomplish things in life despite my limitations—even those challenging ones.
I don’t completely know my mission in life or how much money I will make, or how much is in my bank account, but the important thing to me is, sharing what I have with others, and helping them succeed. Because when one helps another (no matter whatever their situation) the law of attraction helps the individual helping another. I just want my basic needs met, my family is taken care of, that's all I care about.
I will be attending Utah Valley University this Fall 2017 semester to learn more about Architectural Woodworking & Cabinetry and Engineering Design Technology. Basically, I want to expand my design skills into 3D printing on wood with C&C machines and create 3D modeling from my environment concepts and graphic design experience. Wood is my new canvas. I believe this added dimension will bring more opportunities for work and creation.
I have also joined Learn Squared and Robotpencil communities where I will be practicing my skills and asking questions. I am excited to be a part of this ArtStation community, no matter what happens.
Feel free to contact me, and ask me anything. I work at Cold White Fire (see the links in the Contact section) and I am willing to work contract or freelance on a win-win terms of service agreement. I may not be the fastest in the industry, but I am honest and sincere.
I just want to be successful and build confidence in myself not based on how much money I make, but the level of sharing to me helps me feel cared for.
I’m going to show the process of my work, taking screenshots of my weekly progression, and post them individually in separate projects or albums to keep the focus on the project at hand, and in context.
I’m glad I’m here and ready to improve. Thank you!
Very Respectfully,
—Christopher Stapleton