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The Light in Darkness

General / 21 March 2017
My Intent
Here is a work in progress I am currently studying. I'm trying to build architecture in Modo to use within my artwork. There's something about light and contrast I really like. The idea and concept of light versus darkness and the symbolism behind it, and the way mood affects people in different ways.

This is the photo I took off my back patio with a Digital Rebel XTi.

There will be more studies upon this one, I'm still trying to work out the details between the architecture made in Modo for the concept temple, blending photography taken off by back patio deck here in Springville, Utah, and drawing and painting together in this montage and mesh of ideas into something called a digital painting. 

For me digital painting has been a way of releasing emotions and really just studying light, and the world around me. 

It's the Bomb Yo!

General / 21 March 2017

Here I am playing with words and imagery, trying to add new 3D modeling from Modo into a Photoshop digital painting. My intention of this piece was to create some architecture in Modo, and apply that architecture in a way to create the perspective I needed to bring this painting to life. I have been using a grid system also to divide up my work into the rule of 3rd's and having a focal point. In your opinion what is the focal point?

Various Web & Print Media

General / 12 February 2014
These documents were really fun to make. 

I created this interface for a game concept using this iPhone template. This logo is actually a digital painting I created for a friend.   All of the photos here I shot myself along with the content in this flyer. 

3D Modeling with Textures

General / 29 January 2014
Early 3D Modeling
These are models I made for my portfolio in 2010

Cathedral Concept

General / 25 January 2014
Here is a cathedral concept I drew by hand in 3 point perspective, scanned it in and painted. I like the rough and quick concepts just to see how the color mixes with the drawing. Click on the image and scroll down to see my progress.

Rough Final Scene
Needs Sky

Flat Color & Water

Grayscale & Pebble Roads

Grayscale Light Direction

More Details


Iconography for Friends

General / 19 January 2014
Each of these images were for friends who made significant impressions in my life. 

A Lazy Day in the Water

General / 17 January 2014
I made some minor changes to the character in the boat, as I am trying to work on anatomy studies. This study was completed in August 2016, and I have made more changes in my anatomy studies. I will make more changes later.

This scene was my first time working with ArtRage. I feel I have come a long way in my work, yet the best is still to come.

Creativity Through Music: Tron Legacy

General / 17 January 2014

I was listening to Tron Legacy on my computer and I couldn't help draw something cool. I felt the music was part of my creativity and i don't really know where I'm going with this but this is the first sketch. I like the monolith-temple's feel to them and I like the dirtiness of it. I guess it will really come to life when I learn to add color. So far its just a cool idea in motion.

    The Capital of Washington: In a New Light

    General / 17 January 2014

    This monochromatic landscape I was trying to work with mood and lighting. I try and only use photography that i take myself and this was a shot of the Capital of Washington State, down in Olympia. I would like to get so good at painting architecture in my paintings as this is where i would like to lead myself into the future. Architectural concept art the medium of my choice. 

    Fortunately painting in Photoshop is nice and i enjoy working with the grey values before i add any other colors. I want to practice and getting in the habit of thinking of the depth of a painting to create a sense of mood without having to worry about a lot of colors. I soon will be working on where the light is in conjunction to the composition for the format of the page. So the light information directs the eye through the painting. In this case I'm still working with brushes i like and making ground that is feasible that has depth even when in the outskirts of land you can barely see.

    I Horde Treasure

    General / 17 January 2014