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Vol 016: Sketching the Night Away in Realistic Paint Studio

General / 16 December 2022

I found a great tool for multiple surfaces with multimedia drawing, painting, watercolor, oils, pencils, markers, etc in one software. It's been a blast seeing what energy comes out while free drawing ideas. Then just figuring out the tools within the software has allowed me for more creativity.

I call this piece Pondering:

Vol 015: Floral Arrangments with Tayasui Sketches on Mobile

General / 16 December 2022

I found a really fun way to make different floral arrangments by hand in the Tayasui Sketches mobile app. This is all finger paintings I made myself.

Vol 014: Speed Drawing in Sketches - Enjoy the Journey

General / 10 December 2022

More drawing in Sketches and Realistic Paint Studio. 

Interesting stuff coming out. 

Vol 013: Enjoying the Journey - Speed drawing in Sketches

General / 01 December 2022

I have been trying various pieces of software on mobile to see what I can do with my fingers only. app is really helpful for create quick and easy content. Here are some examples of flowers I have been making.

Have all really been very expressive and wonderful to try. I like drawing fast and not trying to control my hands when I draw. I'm interested to see what comes out. 

Vol 012: Digital Painting in Color on Sketchbook Pro (Laptop & Mobile)

General / 05 October 2022

A little something to brighten your day. 

Color has been a challenge for me in the past, but I'm learning how to use it better with practice. 

Vol 011: Native American Female Ear Digital Painting Practice

General / 02 October 2022

As part of my Native American heritage I thought I would try the ear anatomy of a female American Indian because I would like to paint digitally in two dimensions as well as sculpt later in Zbrush in three dimensions of various ethnicities. 

In Sketchbook Pro I lay down by first couple layers by putting in shapes to define the overall colored shapes of the female ear this is about 2 hours of work. 

This is another 2 hours of work. I added small details in Photoshop like the zigzagging pattern to the earring head dress. 

Vol 010: African American Male Ear Practice

General / 02 October 2022

So I'm trying to become more familiar with the anatomy of the body by studying various locations on the body for different ethnicities. 

I first block in the shapes of colors, mix them together in Sketchbook Pro, and do any finishing touches in Photoshop CS5.

Here I am blocking in the shape, yet the problem is the overall proportion is off. 

Adding another hour of details September 26, 2022. 

Here I added more details for another 2 hours of work, yet the ending shape is larger than the reference. I will work on that in the next coming paintings. 

Vol 009: Choose Ye This Day

General / 13 June 2022

Choose Ye This Day

So this is part of my 10 years of studying both the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as personal study of the Inner and Outer Circles. 

In life there are many dualities we get to experience. Whether one chooses to experience them within the natural man (in a compulsive behavior) or in the spiritual man (a Christ-like behavior) will ultimately help us in our Eternal Journey on the Eternal Covenant Path.

32  And the Lord said unto Enoch: Go forth and do as I have commanded thee, and no man shall pierce thee. Open thy mouth, and it shall be filled, and I will give thee utterance, for all flesh is in my hands, and I will do as seemeth me good.

33  Say unto this people: Choose ye this day, to serve the Lord God who made you.

34  Behold my Spirit is upon you, wherefore all thy words will I justify; and the mountains shall flee before you, and the rivers shall turn from their course; and thou shalt abide in me, and I in you; therefore walk with me.

Moses 6:32-34

Vol 008: Anatomy of the Hand

General / 21 May 2022

For most of my content I draw for an hour to see how much I can accomplish. I want to become a better drawing artist, and I'm not really trying to impress anyone, merely just become better than I was yesterday. 

Vol 005: Zbrush Sculpting Forms, volumes, and anatomy.

General / 14 September 2021